""Beneath the pressure of torments such as these, the feeble remnant of the good within me succumbed. Evil thoughts became my sole intimates-the darkest and most evil of thoughts.""
-Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear Diary - Monday, February 6, 2012

Yesterday, while most humans were eating, drinking and watching men chase each other up and down some field surrounded by shouting and screaming people, I was busy discovering I’m not alone in the world of cat vamps.  

Photo courtesy of Carole Gill
This photo was sent to me by author, Carole Gill, and I wanted to share it with you.  I wonder where I can get a pair of wings like that!
Life has been a little cat nip crazy lately.  I helped T.K. Millin finish and submit their short story for consideration in Angelic Knight Press'  third Satan’s Toybox Anthology, Terrifying Teddies.  It was a scary good time putting paw to paper!
Then there’s been Flash Fiction Fridays, cat napping while T.K. writes her blog, The Unknown Author (I give her space to write that on her own, makes her feel important!), and outlining my next big adventure, a middle-grade novel that combines historical fiction with science fiction!  (Okay, it’s really T.K. Millin’s project, but I know I’ll have a chance to add my four paws worth)  
I hope you have a killer week and don’t forget to stop by again on Friday to sink your teeth into some scary good flash fiction.  Vamplit Publishing's  theme this week is Antique Scientific Oddities. 
Efi Loo, The Cat Vamp


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Cindy, I try to be sweet, but sometimes I just can't help myself I have to bite!

  2. Efi Loo might be a sweetie, but look at those fangs! Great picture!


    1. Thank you Blaze, I just filed them for the photo! :)
